Test your Medicare knowledge with this free quiz, and then register for a Medicare Interactive account to keep learning.

1. Which part(s) of Medicare will usually provide coverage for immunosuppressant drugs?

2. Which of the following statements most accurately describes a transition fill?

3. You cannot have both Medicare and Medicaid.

4. Ronald is disabled and has Medicare. He is not yet 65 years old. He turned down Part B and now facing a Part B premium penalty. Ronald will unfortunately be stuck with the Part B premium penalty for the rest of his life, provided that he does not qualify for any assistance programs.

5. Which of the statements is most precise?

6. Individuals need to have a certain income in order to be eligible for Medicare.

7. What is an Advance Beneficiary Notice?

8. What is Original Medicare?

9. Mr. Jones is disabled, 62 years old and works for a company that has 80 employees. He has both Original Medicare and insurance from his employer. Mr. Jones needs medical care. Generally,

10. Which of the following statements is true?

11. Ms. K is asked to leave the hospital where she has been staying, but feels that she is not well enough to do so. Ms. K should request an immediate review of the hospital’s decision to discharge her by contacting this organization:

12. Medicare Part A generally does not cover:

13. Generally, people must actively enroll in Extra Help if they have Medicaid and Medicare.

14. The Medicare Part A Buy-In is available in all states:

15. A Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) is a bill you get from Original Medicare that lists the health care services you have received over the past three months.

16. Mrs. P, a New Yorker, has decided to buy Medigap Plan C to help cover some of her costs. She has found two companies in her area that offer this plan. One costs $150 a month and the other costs $185 a month. If she is mainly concerned about costs, should she buy the cheaper one?

17. Which of the statements is true?

18. What does it mean if a provider “takes assignment?”

19. Medicare home health care is:

20. Medicare Advantage plans supplement Original Medicare.