If you qualify for one of the three main Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs), your Medicare Part B monthly premium will no longer be deducted from your Social Security check. Additionally, you will automatically get Extra Help, the federal program that helps with Part D prescription drugs costs. Each MSP program also offers separate benefits. Remember, you cannot choose to apply for a certain MSP: you will be enrolled in the MSP that corresponds to your income, assets, and other application details.

Get Help Applying for Medicare Cost-Savings Programs

If you live in New York, the Medicare Rights Center can help you enroll in various Medicare cost-savings programs. Please answer a few questions to see if we can connect you with a trained benefits enrollment counselor.

Contact your local State Health Insurance Assistance Program

Each state offers a SHIP, partly funded by the federal government, to give you free counseling and assistance. A SHIP counselor may be available by phone or in person.

Visit www.shiptacenter.org to find your local SHIP office.

Contact your local State Health Insurance Assistance Program

Based on the information you provided, you do not appear to be eligible for Medicare cost-saving programs.

Each state offers a State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), partly funded by the federal government, to give you free counseling and assistance. A SHIP counselor may be available by phone or in person.

Visit www.shiptacenter.org to find your local SHIP office.

You are on your way!

A trained counselor from the Medicare Rights Center will be in touch soon to discuss your options.

Click here to learn more about the various Medicare cost-savings programs.

Would you like to create a free Medicare Interactive account? Learn about the benefits of creating an account and register today.

Qualified Individual (QI)

If you are enrolled in the QI program, you may receive up to three months of retroactive reimbursement for Part B premiums deducted from your Social Security check. Note that you can only be reimbursed for premiums paid up to three months before your MSP effective date, and within the same year of that effective date. For example, if you submitted an MSP application at the end of 2025 and are approved for February 2026, you can only receive premium reimbursement for January 2026 because you cannot be reimbursed for premiums paid in the previous year. If your QI effective date is April 2026, you would receive premium reimbursements for January, February, and March.

Specified Low-income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB)

If you are enrolled in the SLMB program, you may receive up to three months of retroactive reimbursement for Part B premiums. Unlike QI, you may be reimbursed for premiums from the previous calendar year. For example, if you submitted an MSP application at the end of 2025 and are approved for February 2026, you may be reimbursed for premiums paid in November and December of 2025 as well as January 2026.

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB)

Unlike QI and SLMB, QMB does not offer retroactive premium reimbursement. Instead, federal law prohibits Medicare providers from billing you if you are enrolled in QMB. This means Medicare providers should not bill you for any Medicare-covered services you receive. Additionally, if you have to pay Part A premiums because you do not have 10 years of documented work history in the United States, QMB will pay the Part A premium for you.