There are several things you can do to help prevent Medicare fraud.
- Protect your Medicare number. Treat your Medicare card and number the same way you would a credit card number. Only give your Medicare number or your Social Security number to your doctors and other providers. Be careful when others ask for your Medicare number or offer free services if you provide your Medicare number.
- Protect your medical information. Be cautious if people other than your doctors or other medical professionals want to see your medical records or recommend services.
- Learn more about Medicare’s coverage rules. Be careful if a provider tells you there is a way to get Medicare to cover a service that normally is not covered.
- Do not accept services you do not need. If a provider is pressuring you into getting tests or other services you feel are unnecessary, turn down care or ask to get a second opinion from another physician.
- Be skeptical. It does not hurt to be wary if a provider says Medicare will pay for services that do not sound medically necessary (mud treatments, Swedish massages, and dance classes are examples of services promised in past fraud cases). Use your best judgment and refer to Medicare’s coverage rules as needed.