Medicare Part A costs
In 2025, you will pay:
Monthly premium Nothing if you or your spouse worked for 40 calendar quarters (10 years) or more in the U.S.
$285 if you or your spouse worked between 30 and 39 quarters (7.5 and 10 years) in the U.S.
$518 if you or your spouse worked fewer than 30 quarters (7.5 years) in the U.S.
Inpatient hospital care $1,676 deductible for each benefit period
No coinsurance for days 1 to 60
$419 daily coinsurance for days 61 to 90
$838 daily coinsurance for 60 lifetime reserve days
Skilled nursing facility (SNF) care No deductible for each benefit period
No coinsurance for days 1 to 20
$209.50 daily coinsurance for days 21 to 100
Home health care No deductible or coinsurance
Hospice care No deductible
Small copayment for outpatient drugs and inpatient respite care

Medicare does not cover all health care services.