These advocacy toolkits can be used to help older adults and people with disabilities navigate health insurance benefits and troubleshoot enrollment or coverage issues. The toolkits cover the following topics:
Medicare enrollment
Durable medical equipment access
Medicare for individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
This toolkit explains the various coverage options available for New York beneficiaries eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid (dual-eligibles). It includes:
Definitions sheet
A flier for consumers that provides information about Medicaid Advantage Plus (MAP)
Useful fliers for advocates and other professionals
This toolkit explains how Medicare coordinates with other types of insurance, including job-based insurance, COBRA, Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB), TRICARE for Life, and Veterans Affairs’ (VA) benefits. It includes:
Useful fliers & FAQs
Multiple presentations for consumers and professionals, including a Medicare and job-based insurance presentation, a Medicare and COBRA presentation, and a Medicare and other insurances presentation
An interactive roadmap to help make decisions
An infographic that provides basic information about when Medicare is primary or secondary